010: The 5 or 6 P's...

Proper Preparation Prevents (P…) Poor Performance - yes, common sense perhaps and yes, I have known this to be true for some time but I can still get caught out. This time the preparation came at the end of a garage session (postparation…?!) when I rushed tidying my work away as I assumed I would get back to it the next day. I didn’t and this happened….

In the winter my garage is cold and can be a bit damp. After every session I normally wrap my work piece in an oily rag for corrosion protection - not this time though. This is 5 mm 01 tool steel so shaping this blank took a lot of elbow grease. The blank had sat in contact with something that hastened / worsened the corrosion - the photos show the cleaned up version. Suffice it to say that this is one lesson that I feel I have now learned.